Interestingly Makinus team encountered a scenario where the team has to choose between th:remove and th:if processors. The situation is like this. Makinus team worked on a project and the team lead suggested to go with #Thymeleaf template instead of decades old JSP. Hence it adopted Thymeleaf and Thymelead Layout framework to do layout-ing. Thymeleaf Layout Thymeleaf layout is a framework that helps doing the layout work just as tiles framework does it using JSP technology. The framework has 5 processors, important of which is layout:decorate. The processor layout:decorate works in the layout-content template model where the content template is a small piece of template that replaces content part of the layout template. This works as if parent/child templating mode where parent will define layout format while the child template replaces only the specified content portions. Head Element Merging Strategy Thymeleaf layout uses a special strategy to merge parent and child template ...
"Technology is a gift to mankind" - A rhetoric belief strongly held up by Makinus startup company. The blogs will either be about Makinus or its services or products or technological innovative ideas.