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Thymeleaf th:remove vs th:if Processors

Interestingly Makinus team encountered a scenario where the team has to choose between th:remove and th:if processors. The situation is like this. Makinus team worked on a project and the team lead suggested to go with #Thymeleaf template instead of decades old JSP. Hence it adopted Thymeleaf and Thymelead Layout framework to do layout-ing.

Thymeleaf Layout
Thymeleaf layout is a framework that helps doing the layout work just as tiles framework does it using JSP technology. The framework has 5 processors, important of which is layout:decorate. The processor layout:decorate works in the layout-content template model where the content template is a small piece of template that replaces content part of the layout template. This works as if parent/child templating mode where parent will define layout format while the child template replaces only the specified content portions.

Head Element Merging Strategy
Thymeleaf layout uses a special strategy to merge parent and child template <head></head> elements. This is special because it considers both parent and child template <head></head> elements while templating. But the other elements in the child template is not considered for layout-ing unless it has layout:fragment specified. The head element in the parent template can specify links and scripts for prototyping purpose while the child template can also specify the scripts and stylesheet links in the head element. So when it gets merged the layout parsed html has duplicate scripts and links in the html source.

Remove Duplicates From <head></head> Element
There are strategies to sort or group the <head></head> elements using layout template framework. But none of the strategies would work to remove duplicate <script></script> elements or <link/> elements. So the makinus team used th:if to conditionally parse the <script></script> and <link/> elements. The idea is, in the parent template the <script></script> and <link/> elements should specify th:if="false" always and in the child template the <script></script> and <link/> elements can be specified as it is. Because anyway the content template <head></head> elements would be considered for merging. This solution seems so ideal and removes duplicate <script></script> and <link/> elements from the parsed html. Thanks to th:if processor.

But its not the only way to remove duplicate <script></script> and <link/> elements. We have another approach to remove elements. That is, th:remove processor. This processor has quite a usefulness that it can entirely remove the element from being displayed in the html source. The values of th:remove processors are all, body, tag, all-but-first and none. Our solution is to remove duplicates entirely, hence th:remove="all" would fit into the solution. Makinus team chose the latter approach since th:remove has higher precedence than th:if, and would remove the tag element anyway. If th:if is used, and the value evaluates to true by mistake we end getting duplicates. So in order to avoid mistakes, makinus team went ahead with th:remove="all" approach. Thanks to th:remove processor.

Code Snippets

Approach 1 :-

   <th:block th:with="hide=false"/>

   <!--/* Bootstrap core CSS  */-->
   <link href="" 
           media="screen" rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/webjars/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css}" 

   <!--/*  Material Dashboard CSS   */-->
   <link href="/resources/css/material-dashboard.css" 
            media="screen" rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/resources/css/material-dashboard.css}" 

   <!--/*     Fonts and icons    */-->
   <link href="" 
            rel="stylesheet" th:if="${hide}"></link>
   <link href=",700,300|Material+Icons" 
            rel="stylesheet" th:if="${hide}" type="text/css"></link>

    <link href=""
          th:href="@{/webjars/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />

    <link href="/resources/css/material-dashboard.css" th:href="@{/resources/css/material-dashboard.css}" 
           rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />

   <link href="" 
          rel="stylesheet" >

    <link href=',700,300|Material+Icons' 
          rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' >

Approach 2 :-

    <!--/* Bootstrap core CSS  */-->
    <link href=""
          rel="stylesheet" media="screen" th:remove="all"/>

    <!--/*  Material Dashboard CSS   */-->
    <link href="/resources/css/material-dashboard.css" th:href="@{/resources/css/material-dashboard.css}" 
          rel="stylesheet" media="screen" th:remove="all" />

    <!--/*     Fonts and icons    */-->
    <link href="" 
          rel="stylesheet" th:remove="all" >
    <link href=',700,300|Material+Icons' 
          rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' th:remove="all" >

    <link href=""
          th:href="@{/webjars/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />

    <link href="/resources/css/material-dashboard.css" th:href="@{/resources/css/material-dashboard.css}" 
           rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />

   <link href="" 
          rel="stylesheet" >

    <link href=',700,300|Material+Icons' 
          rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' >

Thymeleaf : 3.0.6.RELEASE 
Thymeleaf Layout: 2.2.2


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